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ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 – Part 4: Appendices | Blog No. 22

This final blog in this series on ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 covers the appendices in the standard.


This document includes various informative and explanatory materials related to ammonia characteristics, relief valve capacity calculation methods, pressure vessel nameplates, compressor pressure relief, pipe hanger spacing, hydrostatic relief, stress corrosion cracking, emergency pressure control systems, machinery room signs, ventilation calculation methods, pipe and fittings, operational containment, ammonia absorption refrigeration, component failure prevention, water removal from refrigeration systems, and guidelines for identifying ammonia refrigeration piping and components. It also includes a section on references and sources.


Appendix A is the longest appendix, as it provides explanatory material on requirements throughout Parts 1-3. Sections tagged with an asterisk “*” have a corresponding section in Appendix A which provides additional, non-mandatory guidance.


Appendix Q is also notable because it replaced the older Bulletin No. 114, having all the piping and component labeling guidelines for ammonia refrigeration systems. Rather than putting all of these specifications in the mandatory part of the standard, IIAR was intentional in allowing facilities to create their own labeling system if they so choose.

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