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Auditing Mechanical Integrity (I’m Giving Away my CHEAT SHEET) | Blog No. 26

I remember auditing a mechanical integrity program in Texas down near the border when I heard a rather unique response to one of my questions. As I used my mechanical integrity cheat sheet (see below), I got to vibration analysis. The technician’s first language was Spanish, but his English was good enough that we could communicate. I asked if vibration analysis had ever been performed on the compressors. He eagerly explained his method of performing vibration analysis: “I just put my fingernails on the compressor, and it if it hurts, then I know it has a problem!” I started laughing and told him that was certainly one way of doing it!


For many, the Mechanical Integrity element can be the most intimidating. When I first started auditing Mechanical Integrity, the task was quite daunting. To complicate it further, when ANSI/IIAR 6 came out in 2019, I was tasked with performing a gap analysis of the multitude of inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) requirements of the new standard. After auditing numerous mechanical integrity programs, I have synthesized a simple list to identify any major gaps. I am giving you my cheat sheet for free (along with the corresponding IIAR 6 references):


  • Daily Logs*

  • Annual IIAR 6B Inspection Checklists [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Appendix B]

  • 5-Year Mechanical Integrity Audit [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 §5.4.2]

  • Annual E-Stop Test [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 12.2 Testing Item A]

  • Annual Compressor Cutouts Test [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 6.1 Testing Items A-D]

  • Annual High Level Float Switch Test [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 6.1 Testing Item E]

  • Annual Vibration Analysis/Compressor Alignment [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 6.1 Inspection Item Y]

  • Annual Oil Analysis or Replacement [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 6.1 Maintenance Item D]

  • Six-Month Ammonia Sensor Calibrations [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 12.3 Testing Item A]

  • Annual Ventilation System Test [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 12.1 Testing Items A-G]

  • Annual Exercising and Lubricating System Emergency Shut-Off Valves [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 11.1.6 Maintenance Item B]

  • 5-Year Exercising and Lubricating Non-Emergency Shut-Off Valves [ANSI/IIAR 6-2019 Table 11.1.6 Maintenance Item C]


*A lot goes into auditing daily logs, but here are some quick tips: (1) flip through and make sure the daily logs are being completed consistently, (2) verify the recorded values align with the safe upper and lower limits of equipment, (3) make sure compressors, condensers, auto-purgers, and refrigerant pumps are included in the daily log (everything else has a frequency less than daily).


While this is not an exhaustive list, I hope this checklist enables you to identify major gaps in your mechanical integrity program!


Contact us if you’d like help keeping track of all your mechanical integrity due dates.

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