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What is Process Safety Information? | Blog No. 2

Process Safety Information can be quite intimidating to those unfamiliar with process safety management, but it doesn't have to be! Of the 14 elements of PSM, PSI does tend to be the most technical element. More often than not, an engineer needs to be engaged in developing these records. Here is a summary of the requirements found in Title 40 CFR §68.65 and Title 29 CFR §1910.119(d):

The facility must compile written process safety information before conducting any process hazard analysis (PHA). This information is meant to help identify and understand the hazards posed by the process involving the covered chemical (e.g., anhydrous ammonia, sulfur dioxide, chlorine). It includes details about the hazards of the regulated substance, the technology of the process, and the equipment used in the process.

  • Hazards: The information about the regulated substance should cover toxicity, exposure limits, physical data, reactivity, corrosivity, thermal and chemical stability, and the effects of inadvertent mixing of different materials. A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) may be used to comply with this requirement, which makes it easy.

  • Technology: Information about the technology of the process should include a block flow or process flow diagram, a description of the process chemistry, a calculation or justification of the maximum intended inventory, the safe upper and lower limits (e.g., pressure, temperatures, liquid level) and an evaluation of consequences of deviations.

  • Equipment: Information about the equipment should cover materials of construction (e.g., manufacturer data reports for pressure vessels), piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), electrical classification, relief system design and design basis, ventilation system design, design codes and standards, material and energy balances, and safety systems (e.g., e-stops, pressure relief valves).

The facility should also document that the equipment complies with recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP), and for existing equipment, ensure that it is designed, maintained, and operated safely.

If you need help developing or updating your PSI, submit a request through our contact page.

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