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What is PSM Training? | Blog No. 5

Your facility may have completed a PHA and developed clear SOPs to ensure the safety of your system, but are your operators competent enough to keep it that way? Proper training is an essential ingredient to a well-functioning PSM program. Here is a summary of the training requirements found in Title 40 CFR §68.71 and Title 29 CFR §1910.119(g):

Employees involved in operating a process must undergo initial and refresher training to ensure they understand the specific safety and health hazards, emergency operations, and safe work practices (e.g., LO/TO, line-break, confined space entry, respiratory protection) related to their job tasks. Initial training is required for all employees currently or newly involved in operating a process (there is a grandfathering option for those involved before June 21, 1999). Refresher training should be provided every three (3) years or more frequently if necessary. The owner or operator is responsible for ensuring that each employee receives and understands the required training, and must maintain records of employee training.

If you're looking for training resources or want help staying up-to-date with your training program and documentation, submit a request through our contact page.

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