Process Hazard Analysis
Mitigate Risks and Ensure Compliance with Our Comprehensive Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)
At Macha PSM, we recognize the importance of identifying and addressing potential hazards in your covered process (e.g., ammonia refrigeration system). Our Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) service is designed to help your facility comply with safety regulations and maintain operational excellence.
Why Perform a Process Hazard Analysis?
Facilities with covered processes (such as having an ammonia inventory exceeding 10,000 lbs) must adhere to the following regulations:
Federal Risk Management Plan: Title 40 CFR §68.67
Federal Process Safety Management: Title 29 CFR §1910.119(e)
Our PHA service ensures that your facility meets these requirements, helping you identify potential hazards and implement effective control measures to prevent incidents.
Our Service Offerings
1. Comprehensive PHA Facilitation: Our team of experienced professionals will lead your initial or 5-year PHA using the What-If/Checklist methodology, which is a proven approach to systematically identify potential hazards and evaluate their impact. This methodology helps ensure that all possible scenarios are considered and addressed.
Note: Occasionally PHAs are required when there are substantial changes to a covered process—Macha PSM is also able to facilitate these MOC PHAs.
2. Detailed PHA Report: We prepare a comprehensive written report summarizing the PHA, which includes detailed descriptions of the following elements:
Hazards of the Process: Identifying and evaluating the inherent risks within your covered process.
Previous Incidents: Reviewing past incidents to identify patterns and areas for improvement.
Engineering and Administrative Controls: Assessing existing controls and their effectiveness in mitigating risks.
Consequences of Failure: Analyzing potential outcomes of control failures to understand the impact on safety and operations.
Facility Siting: Evaluating the physical layout of your facility and its influence on hazard potential.
Human Factors: Considering the role of human interaction in the operation and safety of the systems.
Qualitative Evaluation: Providing a qualitative assessment of the possible safety and health effects resulting from control failures.
PHA Report Inclusions
Our PHA report offers a thorough analysis and actionable insights, featuring:
The PHA Team and Their Expertise: An overview of the qualifications and experience of the team members involved in the analysis.
Safeguards: Documentation of existing safety measures and their effectiveness.
Subsystems for Each Type of Equipment: Detailed analysis of the various equipment subsystems within your facility.
What-If Scenarios and Consequences: Exploration of potential scenarios and their implications.
Risk Matrix: A visual representation of the identified risks and their severity.
Recommendations: Clear, actionable recommendations for improving safety and mitigating identified hazards.
PHA Leader Qualifications
Our PHA leaders have completed the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Process Hazard Analysis course which emphasizes ammonia refrigeration systems. The PHA course primarily focuses on the What-If/Checklist methodology with a secondary concentration on the Hazard and Operability (HazOp) methodology.
Investment and Benefits
By choosing Macha PSM for your PHA needs, you invest in the safety and reliability of your operations. Our expert facilitation and detailed reporting not only help you comply with federal regulations but also enhance your facility's overall safety and efficiency. ​​​​​​
Get an Instant Estimate
At Macha PSM, we aim to streamline your Process Safety Management (PSM) program with unparalleled efficiency. To support you in planning and budgeting, we offer intuitive estimator tools that provide immediate pricing for various services. Calculate your PHA estimate now!
Contact Us
We are dedicated to helping you maintain a safe and compliant facility. For more information or to schedule your PHA, please reach out to us.
Thank you for considering Macha PSM for your Process Hazard Analysis needs. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you in ensuring the safety and integrity of your operations.